
Eko Eko

Livadi , 84005


Google Maps Navigation   02281051140


Treibstoff Preis
95ΕΚΟΝΟΜΥ 1,836 €/L
Racing 100 1,980 €/L
Die Preise sind ungefähr

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  Kommentare (7)

Θανάσης Χατζηπαύλου

Πολύ καλα καύσιμα

Θανάσης Χατζηπαύλου , 14.08.2019 (Google Places)
Vassilis Karantzas

Be very carefull, they are playing cheating games with the fuel pump, better have your vehicle full before reaching the island, because it is the only gas station on it

Vassilis Karantzas , 15.07.2019 (Google Places)
nikolas mario

Γιατί είναι το μοναδικό βενζινάδικο και άψογη εξυπηρέτηση

nikolas mario , 22.11.2018 (Google Places)
Spyro Prountzos

They are cheats. I paid 10€ for diesel meaning I got 6L worth of fuel which on my car I get around 100km worth of travel. but instead i didn't get nothing sort of that on my car's trip computer. They totally cheat with their fuel pumps. Unfortunately it's the only gas station on the island.

Spyro Prountzos , 29.08.2018 (Google Places)

Πανάκριβο και το μοναδικό δυστυχώς!!!

ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΕΞΙΑΣ , 19.08.2018 (Google Places)
anna koumpanaki

anna koumpanaki , 09.01.2017 (Google Places)
Gino Latino

l'unico distributore dell'isola

Gino Latino , 13.06.2016 (Google Places)

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