
Eko Eko Πηδηκτακησ Σταυροσ

Palaikastro , 723 00
Παλαιοκαστρο Σητειασ

Barzahlung Laden

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Treibstoff Preis
95ΕΚΟΝΟΜΥ 1,889 €/L
Racing 100 2,028 €/L
Diesel Avio 1,797 €/L
die Preise wurden von einem Fuelo.net Nutzer zur Verfügung gestellt 3:41 12.08.2024

  Bilder (1)

  Kommentare (7)

Manos Dj oro

Manos Dj oro , 15.08.2019 (Google Places)
Πολυδωρος Σταυρακακης

Πολυδωρος Σταυρακακης , 29.09.2018 (Google Places)
Mat Odl

Petrol station, car wash and simple car service. Very helpful owner.

Mat Odl , 10.02.2018 (Google Places)
American Patriot

One of 2 gas station in the area, and the only gas station driving east away from tbe town

American Patriot , 02.02.2018 (Google Places)
Arsen Kr

They simply cheating clients, by telling some fake story to disrupt your attention, for taking more money. I remember that ugly tall guy that told me some ballshit about his hollyday in Brazil , and he just cheat me for 5 euros

Arsen Kr , 31.07.2017 (Google Places)
American Patriot

One of 2 gas station in the area, and the only gas station driving east away from tbe town

American Patriot , 22.05.2016 (Google Places)
Arsen Kr

They simply cheating clients, by telling some fake story to disrupt your attention, for taking more money. I remember that ugly tall guy that told me some ballshit about his hollyday in Brazil , and he just cheat me for 5 euros

Arsen Kr , 22.05.2016 (Google Places)

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