
Rompetrol Rompetrol Comarnic

Str. Republicii 2D
0:00 - 24:00

Cash Kaartbetaling Winkel Wi-Fi Restaurant Parkeren ATM

Google Maps Navigatie   0372784911


Brandstof Prijs
Efix Benzina 95 7,14 RON/l
Efix Motorina 51 7,21 RON/l
Efix S Benzina 98 7,84 RON/l
Efix S Motorina 55 7,77 RON/l
prijzen bijgewerkt op 12:41 7.09.2024

  Foto's (4)

  Opmerkingen (21)

Dragos Dado

Super curătenie, preturi accesibile!

Dragos Dado , 28.10.2019 (Google Places)
Andy Sonyc


Andy Sonyc , 18.08.2019 (Google Places)
d tsilidi

I was impressed with an extremely helpful cashier lady in the shop :)

d tsilidi , 03.06.2019 (Google Places)
d tsilidi

I was impressed with an extremely helpful cashier lady in the shop :)

d tsilidi , 03.06.2019 (Google Places)
Dentist. Who

Un popas binevenit in drumul spre casa.

Dentist. Who , 11.04.2019 (Google Places)
Dentist. Who

Un popas binevenit in drumul spre casa.

Dentist. Who , 11.04.2019 (Google Places)
Adolf Hassler

The Office von Mr.Augustin and Lucian!

Adolf Hassler , 08.04.2019 (Google Places)
Purcaru Alina

Combustibil bun, servicii prietenoase!

Purcaru Alina , 03.01.2019 (Google Places)
Marcel Negru

Combustibil bun, dar cam aglomeratie. Pentru cei ce vin dinspre Brasov, mai merge!

Marcel Negru , 20.11.2018 (Google Places)
Marcel Negru

Combustibil bun, dar cam aglomeratie. Pentru cei ce vin dinspre Brasov, mai merge!

Marcel Negru , 20.11.2018 (Google Places)
Iulian Din

Iulian Din , 13.02.2018 (Google Places)

Tankowanie paliwa.Wszystko w porządku.

kakoste , 13.11.2017 (Google Places)
george sirboiu


george sirboiu , 26.04.2017 (Google Places)
E Consultanta

Nice place

E Consultanta , 12.01.2017 (Google Places)
E Consultanta

Nice place

E Consultanta , 03.06.2016 (Google Places)
george sirboiu


george sirboiu , 01.05.2016 (Google Places)
Iulian Din

Iulian Din , 26.12.2015 (Google Places)
Andrei Daniel

Andrei Daniel , 26.12.2015 (Google Places)
Andrei Daniel

Andrei Daniel , 03.12.2015 (Google Places)
Catalin M

Cel mai oribil pateu cu branza ever.

Catalin M , 10.04.2013 (Foursquare)
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